How to Create Super Complex Clipping Path in Photoshop CS6


Background plays a vital role in any kind of photography. Any photograph can look appealing when you have a great background. If the background is gaudy and cheap, you may also feel like changing the background. But removing the background might be tough. Clipping path in Photoshop can give you a huge advantage in changing or replacing the background. There are many photo editing companies who provide the different types of clipping path services that also includes super complex clipping path service. But if you want to save you money by not outsourcing, you can do it by yourself just using complex clipping path technique in Photoshop. There are some simple steps that you have to use. Let’s see what the steps are.

Open the Image

The first thing you need to do is, open your desired image in Photoshop CS6. Go to File>Open. You will get a windows dialogue box. Go to the file location, click on the image and press enter on keyboard. Your file will be opened on Photoshop doing that. You can also just go to the file location and drag the image to Photoshop to open the image. Here we have selected a photo of a bicycle which is actually a complex image to remove the background of.

Select Pen Tool

There are several tools for drawing clipping path over the object to remove background. But the most effective tool for background removal is the pen tool. We are going to activate the pen tool. Click on the pen icon from the tool bar to activate the pen tool. You can also activate the pen tool by pressing ‘p’ on the keyboard.

Take Path Layer

There are different layers in Photoshop to work on different things. I have to select path layer to draw clipping path over this object. Go to the layer panel and click on the path button. Look down and you will see a square icon. Click on that icon on the panel and a new path layer will be created.

Draw the Outline

Now it is time for drawing the clipping path outline over the chair photo we have selected. At first, you need to draw the outline around the chair. As you can see, there are straight lines and curves as well. Draw the outline keeping the shape of the object in mind. Close the path of the outline well and do it precisely so that no background could come. So here, I have drawn the clipping path over the entire bicycle.

Fill the Loops

There are many loops in the bicycle. Hence it is being called super complex clipping path. You have to draw clipping path and fill the loops of each loop. It is the same technique like how we drawn the outline. It is just you need to draw the clipping path inside. So find out how many holes or loops the object has. Fill up the loops by drawing clipping path on those areas. Do not leave a single loop. If you leave a single loop, then the outcome will come bad and background will come.

Make Selection

After completion of drawing clipping path over the object and filling the loops, we will make the selection. Select path layer and press ‘ctrl+enter’ on keyboard. Entire path will be selected by doing that.

Remove the Background

Just press ‘q’ to remove the background. You can select any color from the color pallet from the tool bar and can also replace the background keeping the main object intact.


So these were some easy steps for making complex clipping path. You can see that using this technique, how easily the background got removed of the bicycle which is a complex image. So try this by yourself and avoid extra expense.

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